Waikanae Butchery goes mobile | Murray Lloyd Photography
After two years of planning the big day has arrived and Andrew Stroonbergen and Peter Hedgecock load up Waikanae Butchery’s brand new Fiat Ducato Maxi van. The van was built in Holland and shipped to NZ so Andrew can supply his great produce to Wellington’s Chaffers Market on Sundays. Now, following an invitation from Joanne Welch at Summerset Retirement Village, Andrew drives his van around four retirement villages on the Kapiti Coast each Friday supplying the good folk with lovely fresh meat and his famous smallgoods.
Waikane Butcher mobile van.
Waikane Butcher mobile van.
Butcher loading fresh meat in the Waikane Butcher mobile van
Close up photo of terrine and salamis for Waikanae Butcher's mobile van.
Loading the Waikane Butcher mobile van.
Loading the Waikane Butcher mobile van.
Customer being served at the Waikane Butcher mobile van.
Andrew talking to customer about the Waikane Butcher mobile van.
Waikane Butcher Mobile Van driving along road.
Waikane Butcher Mobile Van parking.
Customers shopping for fresh veges in open air market.
Customers waiting at the Waikane Butcher Mobile Van.
Andrew weighing meat in the Waikane Butcher Mobile Van.
Andrew serving customer from the Waikane Butcher Mobile Van.
Andrew exchanging sausages for bananas at market.
Portrait of Andrew Stroonbergen holding his famous pork sausages